Is Rick Santorum Gay? Santorum Pledges To Reinstate Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Why is Rick Santorum obsessed with gays?
Why is Rick Santorum of fame, so obsessed with gays?
9-27-2011 Update: Republicans boo gay soldier at Debate. Santorum responds with moron advice
This update shows the obsession Rick has with gays. He says "sex" has no place in the military; whether straight or gay. Really? How do you turn off your hormones? This guy is genuinely afraid of anything gay. He acts like many closeted gays that I have known that attacked the gay world while fighting their own gay inward self.
9-27-2011 Update: Newsy wrote a piece about Santorum not stopping the booing of a gay soldier.
Rick Santorum has said some mighty mean things about gay people. It begins to make me wonder, "what is the obsession with gays?" Shakespeare said, "me thinketh thou dost protesteth too much" which makes me wonder why does Rick protest so much against gays? I have learned in life that when someone puts a spotlight on something, usually, they are revealing a thing or two about themselves.
May I remind readers that 70% of Americans don't have a problem with gays in the military. The surprise is that the gays have ALREADY been there the whole time! Only now, we have decided as a nation to not ruin their careers or force them to lie and be deceitful.. Lets suppose that Americans didn't support gays in the military. What about standing up for equality and civil rights? When will the Rick Santorum's of America come for YOUR rights? We need to stand up for all Americans. Not just gays and minorities. Civil rights are a guarantee of the goes for everybody.
Rick Santorum says he will reinstate Don't Ask, Don't Tell
9-27-2011 Update: Republicans boo gay soldier at Debate. Santorum responds with moron advice
This update shows the obsession Rick has with gays. He says "sex" has no place in the military; whether straight or gay. Really? How do you turn off your hormones? This guy is genuinely afraid of anything gay. He acts like many closeted gays that I have known that attacked the gay world while fighting their own gay inward self.
9-27-2011 Update: Newsy wrote a piece about Santorum not stopping the booing of a gay soldier.
Rick Santorum has said some mighty mean things about gay people. It begins to make me wonder, "what is the obsession with gays?" Shakespeare said, "me thinketh thou dost protesteth too much" which makes me wonder why does Rick protest so much against gays? I have learned in life that when someone puts a spotlight on something, usually, they are revealing a thing or two about themselves.
May I remind readers that 70% of Americans don't have a problem with gays in the military. The surprise is that the gays have ALREADY been there the whole time! Only now, we have decided as a nation to not ruin their careers or force them to lie and be deceitful.. Lets suppose that Americans didn't support gays in the military. What about standing up for equality and civil rights? When will the Rick Santorum's of America come for YOUR rights? We need to stand up for all Americans. Not just gays and minorities. Civil rights are a guarantee of the goes for everybody.
Rick Santorum says he will reinstate Don't Ask, Don't Tell
If this guy isn't a slave to semenancy I don't know who is....